Event Funding Application Form
Please complete and submit this form.
The annual program of events in Mansfield Shire adds significantly to the social health of the community, assists to raise awareness of the destination to identified markets, provides yield and yield dispersal to a broad range of local businesses and directly assists to increase the average length of stay of visitors. Opportunities to attract or develop an event to a level of regional and state significance could be supported by Mansfield Shire Council relevant to available resources. In partnership with community groups and event organisers, Mansfield Shire Council is committed to ensuring that our municipality continues to be the thriving destination it is today and Council aims to provide appropriate support for groups undertaking the development and delivery of events where possible. Those events that can clearly demonstrate a net benefit for community, local businesses and stakeholders and can assist to raise awareness of Mansfield Mt Buller -The High Country destinations and products in identified markets are invited to apply for cash and in-kind support subject to Council’s resources. Applications will be assessed according to set criteria including: • Demonstrated ability to raise awareness of Mansfield Mt Buller – The High Country brand and other associated brands in identified markets • Demonstrated financial viability including ongoing ability to self fund event • Demonstrated capacity to add benefit to community and local businesses • Demonstrated ability to provide yield and yield dispersal to local businesses. • In the first instance where possible products and /or resources are offered/sourced within the Mansfield Shire footprint If an application is successful, the event signatories will be required to sign and comply with a Terms & Conditions Agreement with Council - available at end of application

Itinerant Traders - Retailers who do not have a fixed decided place of business.
Roadside collection - eg tin shaking or roadside money throw
Handbills - A small printed advertisement or other notice distributed by hand.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS if successful By signing this agreement, event organisers signify their understanding of, and agreement to the following terms and conditions: • That acknowledgment of Mansfield Shire Council’s support appears on all promotional material. The following wording must be incorporated in any material related to the funded project: “Supported by Mansfield Shire Council” • The Mansfield Shire Council logo must be visible on all marketing collateral and advertisements. • The event must be listed with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) • An invoice for any agreed cash support must be provided to Council with GST additional to the funding amount. • Unexpended funds must be returned to Council. • The attached ‘Performance Review’ be compiled and returned to the Tourism & Economic Development Unit of Council within 8 weeks of the events completion. • That signing of the Terms and Conditions does not guarantee future or recurring funding and new applications for funding must be submitted annually. • Dispersal of a percentage of net surplus, by the event organisers, to assisting community groups is seen as entirely appropriate, but if Council has a financial interest in the event then Council feels that priority should be given to investing a percentage of net surplus in the next event. • Mansfield Shire Council is mindful that community events should disperse any expenditure through as broad a range and number of local businesses as possible. • The possibility of any impact that an event may have on residents, ratepayers and business sector groups is required to be addressed and appropriate liaison with same will need to be demonstrated if requested. • Every event requesting Mansfield Shire Council cash, in-kind or in-principle support should compliment the annual calendar of events • Being unsuccessful with you application does not necessarily mean that the project is not worthy of support. Many worthwhile applications may be rejected because of budgetary constraints or the need to balance financial support given by Council across a wide range of priorities. PERFORMANCE REVIEW To be provided to Mansfield Shire Council within 8 weeks of the event’s completion. 1. Available statistics compiled on event 2. Financial statement signed by Treasurer and President 3. Detail intended percentage of surplus to be transferred into reserves for next year’s event 4. Details of any monies distributed to community groups 5. Written President’s/Organisers Report 6. Additional strategies for development not outlined in current Business Plan